Source: GeoJSONLoader.js

import Loader from "./Loader"
import GeoMath from "./GeoMath";
import GeoPoint from "./GeoPoint";
import CredentialMode from "./CredentialMode";
import MarkerLineEntity from "./MarkerLineEntity";
import PolygonEntity from "./PolygonEntity";
import PinEntity from "./PinEntity";
import Resource, { URLResource, ResourceType } from "./Resource";
import AltitudeMode from "./AltitudeMode";

 * GeoJSON形式(<a href="">rfc7946</a>)のデータをシーンに読み込みます。
 * @memberof mapray
class GeoJSONLoader extends Loader {

     * @desc
     * <p>url で指定したシーンデータの読み込みを開始し、scene にエンティティを構築する。</p>
     * <p>読み込みが終了したとき options.callback を呼び出す。</p>
     * @param {mapray.Scene} scene      読み込み先のシーン
     * @param {string}       resource        シーンファイルの URL
     * @param {object}       [options]  オプション集合
     * @param {mapray.Loader.TransformCallback} [options.transform]  リソース要求変換関数
     * @param {mapray.GeoJSONLoader.FinishCallback}    [options.callback]   終了コールバック関数
     * @param {mapray.Loader.EntityCallback}           [options.onEntity]   エンティティコールバック関数
    constructor( scene, resource, options={} )
        if (resource instanceof Resource) {
            // OK
        else if ( typeof resource === "string" ) {
            resource = new URLResource(resource, {
                    type: "json",
                    transform: options.transform
        else {
            throw new Error( "Unsupported Resource: " + resource);

        super( scene, resource, {
                onEntity: options.onEntity,
                onLoad: options.onLoad
        } );

        // PinEntity
        this._getPointFGColor = options.getPointFGColor || defaultGetPointFGColorCallback;
        this._getPointBGColor = options.getPointBGColor || defaultGetPointBGColorCallback;
        this._getPointSize = options.getPointSize || defaultGetPointSizeCallback;
        this._getPointIconId = options.getPointIconId || defaultGetPointIconIdCallback;

        // MarkerLineEntity
        this._getLineColor = options.getLineColor || defaultGetLineColorCallback;
        this._getLineWidth = options.getLineWidth || defaultGetLineWidthCallback;

        // PolygonEntity
        this._getFillColor = options.getFillColor || defaultGetFillColorCallback;
        this._getExtrudedHeight = options.getExtrudedHeight || defaultGetExtrudedHeightCallback;

        // Common
        this._getAltitudeMode = options.getAltitudeMode || defaultGetAltitudeModeCallback;
        this._getAltitude = options.getAltitude || defaultGetAltitudeCallback;

        this._glenv      = scene.glenv;
        this._references = {};
        this._cancelled  = false;
        this._finished   = false;

     * @summary 読み込み処理の実態。継承クラスによって実装される。
     * @private
        return (
            this._resource.load( { type: ResourceType.JSON } )
            .then( geoJson => {
                    // JSON データの取得に成功
                    this._load_geojson_object( geoJson );
            } )

     * Load GeoJSON Object
     * @private
    _load_geojson_object( geojson )
        var success;
        if ( geojson.type === TYPES.FEATURE_COLLECTION ) {
            var features = geojson.features;
            success = false;
            for ( var i = 0, len = features.length; i < len; i++ ) {
                var feature = features[i];
                var s = this._load_geojson_object( feature.featureId ? feature.feature : feature ); // @ToDo: Unknown
                // var s = this._load_geojson_object( feature );
                if (s && !success) success = s;
        else if ( geojson.type === TYPES.FEATURE ) {
            var geometry = geojson.geometry;
            success = this._load_geometry_object( geometry, geojson );
        else if ( SUPPORTED_GEOMETRY_TYPES.indexOf( geojson.type ) !== -1 ) {
            success = this._load_geometry_object( geojson, null );
        else {
            throw new Error( "Unnsupported Type: " + geojson.type );
        if ( this._cancelled ) return false;

        return success;

     * Load Geometry Object
     * @private
    _load_geometry_object( geometry, geojson={} ) {
        var coords = geometry.coordinates;

        if (!coords && !geometry) {
            return false;
        switch ( geometry.type ) {
          case GEOMETRY_TYPES.POINT:
              return this._loadPoint( geometry, geojson );

              return this._loadLines( geometry, geojson );

              return this._loadPolygons( geometry, geojson );

              return true;

              throw new Error( "Invalid GeoJSON type: " + geometry.type );

     * fetch() の init 引数に与えるオブジェクトを生成
     * @private
    _make_fetch_params( tr )
        var init = {
            signal:      this._abort_ctrl.signal,
            credentials: (tr.credentials || CredentialMode.OMIT).credentials

        if ( tr.headers ) {
            init.headers = (tr.headers || GeoJSONLoader._defaultHeaders);

        return init;

     * @private
    _loadLines( geometry, geojson ) 
        const color4 = this._getLineColor( geojson );
        const width = this._getLineWidth( geojson );
        const altitude = this._getAltitude( geojson );
        const altitude_mode = this._getAltitudeMode( geojson );
        if ( !geometry || color4.length !== 4 ) {
            return false;
        var type = geometry.type;
        var coords = geometry.coordinates;
        var rgb = color4.slice(0, 3);
        var alpha = color4[3];

        // If multiline, split entity
        if ( type === GEOMETRY_TYPES.MULTI_LINE_STRING ) {
            coords.forEach( points => {
                if ( !this._generateLine( points, width, rgb, alpha, altitude_mode, altitude, geojson ) ) {
                    return false;
            return true;
        else { // type === GEOMETRY_TYPES.LINE_STRING
            return this._generateLine( coords, width, rgb, alpha, altitude_mode, altitude, geojson )

     * @private
    _generateLine( points, width, color, opaticy, altitude_mode, altitude, geojson )
        if ( !points ) {
            return false;

        var entity = new MarkerLineEntity( this._scene );
        entity.altitude_mode = altitude_mode;
        var fp = this._flatten( points, altitude );
        entity.addPoints( fp );
        entity.setLineWidth( width );
        entity.setColor( color );
        entity.setOpacity( opaticy );
        this._onEntity( this, entity, geojson );

        return true;

     * @private
    _loadPoint( geometry, geojson )
        const fgColor = this._getPointFGColor( geojson );
        const bgColor = this._getPointBGColor( geojson );
        const iconId = this._getPointIconId( geojson );
        const size = this._getPointSize( geojson );
        const altitude_mode = this._getAltitudeMode( geojson );
        const altitude = this._getAltitude( geojson );
        if ( !geometry ) {
            return false;
        var type = geometry.type;

        var props = {
            "fg_color": fgColor.slice( 0, 3 ),
            "bg_color": bgColor.slice( 0, 3 ),
            size: size,

        // If multiline, split entity
        if ( type === GEOMETRY_TYPES.POINT ) {
            var entity = new PinEntity( this._scene );
            entity.altitude_mode = altitude_mode;
            var alt = this._getActualValue( altitude, geometry.coordinates[2], GeoJSONLoader.defaultAltitude );
            var coords = new GeoPoint( geometry.coordinates[0], geometry.coordinates[1], alt );
            if ( iconId !== null ) {
                entity.addMakiIconPin( iconId, coords, props );
            else {
                entity.addPin( coords, props );
            this._onEntity( this, entity, geojson );
        else { // type === GEOMETRY_TYPES.MULTI_POINT
            var entity = new PinEntity( this._scene );
            entity.altitude_mode = altitude_mode;
            for ( var i = 0; i < geometry.coordinates.length; i++ ) {
                var targetCoordinates = geometry.coordinates[i];
                var alt = this._getActualValue( altitude, geometry.coordinates[2], GeoJSONLoader.defaultAltitude );
                var coords = new GeoPoint( targetCoordinates[0], targetCoordinates[1], alt );
                if ( iconId !== null ) {
                    entity.addMakiIconPin( iconId, coords, props );
                    // entity.addPin( coords, props );
                else {
                    entity.addPin( coords, props );
            this._onEntity( this, entity, geojson );

        return true;

     * @private
    _loadPolygons( geometry, geojson )
        const color4 = this._getFillColor( geojson );
        const altitude_mode = this._getAltitudeMode( geojson );
        const altitude = this._getAltitude( geojson );
        const extruded_height = this._getExtrudedHeight( geojson );

        if ( !geometry || color4.length !== 4 ) {
            return false;
        var type = geometry.type;
        var coords = geometry.coordinates;
        var rgb = color4.slice(0, 3);
        var alpha = color4[3];

        // If multiline, split entity
        if ( type === GEOMETRY_TYPES.MULTI_POLYGON ) {
            coords.forEach( points => {
                if ( !this._generatePolygon( points, rgb, alpha, altitude_mode, altitude, extruded_height, geojson ) ) {
                    return false;
            return true;
        else { // type === GEOMETRY_TYPES.POLYGON
            return this._generatePolygon( coords, rgb, alpha, altitude_mode, altitude, extruded_height, geojson )

     * @private
    _generatePolygon( pointsList, color, opaticy, altitude_mode, altitude, extruded_height, geojson ) 
        if ( !pointsList ) {
            return false;

        const entity = new PolygonEntity( this._scene );
        entity.altitude_mode = altitude_mode;
        entity.extruded_height = extruded_height;
        entity.setColor( color );
        entity.setOpacity( opaticy );
        for ( let i=0; i< pointsList.length; i++ ) {
            const fp = this._flatten( pointsList[ i ], altitude, pointsList[ i ].length-1 );
            if ( !fp ) return false;
            if ( i === 0 ) entity.addOuterBoundary( fp );
            else entity.addInnerBoundary( fp );
        this._onEntity( this, entity, geojson );
        return true;

     * @private
    _getActualValue( valueFromCallback, valueInGeoJSON, defaultValue ) {
        return (
            valueFromCallback != null ? valueFromCallback: // value from callback is the most prioritized
            valueInGeoJSON    != null ? valueInGeoJSON:    // value in GeoJSON will be used if defined
            defaultValue                                   // default value

     * @private
    _flatten( ary, altitude, len=ary.length )
        return ary.reduce( (p, c, i) => (
                i >= len ? p :
                p.concat( c.slice(0, 2), this._getActualValue( altitude, c[2], GeoJSONLoader.defaultAltitude ) )
        ), [] );

    GeoJSONLoader._defaultHeaders = {};
    GeoJSONLoader.defaultLineColor = [0, 0, 0, 1];
    GeoJSONLoader.defaultFillColor = [0, 0, 0, 1];
    GeoJSONLoader.defaultLineWidth = 1;
    GeoJSONLoader.defaultPointFGColor = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0];
    GeoJSONLoader.defaultPointBGColor = [0.35, 0.61, 0.81];
    GeoJSONLoader.defaultPointSize = 30;
    GeoJSONLoader.defaultPointIconId = null;
    GeoJSONLoader.defaultAltitude = 0.0;
    GeoJSONLoader.defaultExtrudedHeight = 0.0;

function defaultGetLineColorCallback( geojson )
    return GeoJSONLoader.defaultLineColor;

function defaultGetLineWidthCallback( geojson ) 
    return GeoJSONLoader.defaultLineWidth;

function defaultGetFillColorCallback( geojson )
    return GeoJSONLoader.defaultFillColor;

function defaultGetPointFGColorCallback( geojson )
    return GeoJSONLoader.defaultPointFGColor;

function defaultGetPointBGColorCallback( geojson )
    return GeoJSONLoader.defaultPointBGColor;

function defaultGetPointSizeCallback( geojson )
    return GeoJSONLoader.defaultPointSize;

function defaultGetPointIconIdCallback( geojson )
    return GeoJSONLoader.defaultPointIconId;

function defaultGetAltitudeModeCallback( geojson )
    return AltitudeMode.ABSOLUTE;
function defaultGetAltitudeCallback( geojson )
    return null;

function defaultGetExtrudedHeightCallback( geojson )
    return GeoJSONLoader.defaultExtrudedHeight;

var TYPES = {
    FEATURE: "Feature",
    FEATURE_COLLECTION: "FeatureCollection",

    POINT: "Point",
    MULTI_POINT: "MultiPoint",
    LINE_STRING: "LineString",
    MULTI_LINE_STRING: "MultiLineString",
    POLYGON: "Polygon",
    MULTI_POLYGON: "MultiPolygon",
    GEOMETRY_COLLECTION: "GeometryCollection",
    FEATURE: "Feature"


export default GeoJSONLoader;