Source: PinEntity.js

import Entity from "./Entity";
import Primitive from "./Primitive";
import Mesh from "./Mesh";
import Texture from "./Texture";
import PinMaterial from "./PinMaterial";
import GeoMath from "./GeoMath";
import GeoPoint from "./GeoPoint";
import { RenderTarget } from "./RenderStage";
import AltitudeMode from "./AltitudeMode";
import EntityRegion from "./EntityRegion";
import IconLoader, { URLTemplateIconLoader, TextIconLoader } from "./IconLoader";
import Dom from "./util/Dom";
import EasyBindingBlock from "./animation/EasyBindingBlock";
import Type from "./animation/Type";
import AnimUtil from "./animation/AnimUtil";
import AbstractPointEntity from "./AbstractPointEntity";

 * @summary ピンエンティティ
 * @memberof mapray
 * @extends mapray.Entity
 * @example
 * var pin = new mapray.PinEntity(viewer.scene);
 * pin.addTextPin( "32", new mapray.GeoPoint(139.768, 35.635) );
 * pin.addTextPin( "A", new mapray.GeoPoint(139.768, 35.636), { fg_color: [0.0, 0.0, 1.0], bg_color: [1.0, 0.0, 0.0] } );
 * pin.addTextPin( "始", new mapray.GeoPoint(139.768, 35.637), { size: 50 } );
 * pin.addTextPin( "終", new mapray.GeoPoint(139.768, 35.639), { size: 50, font_family: "Georgia" } );
 * pin.addPin( new mapray.GeoPoint(139.766, 35.6361) );
 * pin.addMakiIconPin( "ferry-15", new mapray.GeoPoint(139.764, 35.6361), { size: 150, fg_color: [0.2, 0.2, 0.2], bg_color: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0] } );
 * pin.addMakiIconPin( "car-15",   new mapray.GeoPoint(139.762, 35.6361), { size: 60, fg_color: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], bg_color: [0.2, 0.2, 0.2] } );
 * pin.addMakiIconPin( "bus-15",   new mapray.GeoPoint(139.760, 35.6361), { size: 40, fg_color: [1.0, 0.3, 0.1], bg_color: [0.1, 0.3, 1.0] } );
 * pin.addMakiIconPin( "bus-15",   new mapray.GeoPoint(139.759, 35.6361) );
 * pin.addMakiIconPin( "car-15",   new mapray.GeoPoint(139.758, 35.6361) );
 * viewer.scene.addEntity(pin);
class PinEntity extends AbstractPointEntity {

     * @param {mapray.Scene} scene        所属可能シーン
     * @param {object}       [opts]       オプション集合
     * @param {object}       [opts.json]  生成情報
     * @param {object}       [opts.refs]  参照辞書
    constructor( scene, opts )
        super( scene, opts );

        // 親プロパティ
        this._parent_props = {
            fg_color: null,
            bg_color: null,
            size: null,
            font_family: null,

        // Entity.PrimitiveProducer インスタンス
        this._primitive_producer = new PrimitiveProducer( this );

        this._animation.addDescendantUnbinder( () => { this._unbindDescendantAnimations(); } );

        // 生成情報から設定
        if ( opts && opts.json ) {
            this._setupByJson( opts.json );

     * @override
        return this._primitive_producer;

     * @override
    onChangeAltitudeMode( prev_mode )

     * EasyBindingBlock.DescendantUnbinder 処理
     * @private
        // すべてのエントリーを解除
        for ( let entry of this._entries ) {

     * アニメーションの BindingBlock を初期化
     * @private
        const block = this.animation;  // 実体は EasyBindingBlock

        const number  = Type.find( "number" );
        const vector2 = Type.find( "vector2" );
        const vector3 = Type.find( "vector3" );

        // パラメータ名: fg_color
        // パラメータ型: vector3
        //   アイコンの色
        block.addEntry( "fg_color", [vector3], null, value => {
            this.setFGColor( value );
        } );
        // パラメータ名: bg_color
        // パラメータ型: vector3
        //   アイコン背景の色
        block.addEntry( "bg_color", [vector3], null, value => {
            this.setBGColor( value );
        } );

        // パラメータ名: size
        // パラメータ型: vector2 | number
        //   型が vector2 のとき アイコンのピクセルサイズX, Y 順であると解釈
        //   型が number のとき アイコンのピクセルサイズX, Y は同値
        const size_temp = GeoMath.createVector2();
        let   size_type;

        let size_tsolver = curve => {
            size_type = AnimUtil.findFirstTypeSupported( curve, [vector2, number] );
            return size_type;

        block.addEntry( "size", [vector2, number], size_tsolver, value => {
            if ( size_type === vector2 ) {
                this.setSize( value );
            else { // size_type === number
                size_temp[0] = value;
                size_temp[1] = value;
                this.setSize( size_temp );
        } );

     * @summary アイコンのピクセルサイズを指定
     * @param {mapray.Vector3} size  アイコンのピクセルサイズ
    setSize( size )
        this._setVector2Property( "size", size );

     * @summary アイコンの色を設定
     * @param {mapray.Vector3} color  アイコンの色
    setFGColor( color )
        this._setVector3Property( "fg_color", color );

     * @summary アイコン背景の色を設定
     * @param {mapray.Vector3} color  アイコン背景の色
    setBGColor( color )
        this._setVector3Property( "bg_color", color );

     * @summary テキストアイコンのフォントを設定
     * @param {string} font_family  フォントファミリー
    setFontFamily( font_family )
        this._setValueProperty( "font_family", font_family );

     * Add Pin
     * @param {mapray.GeoPoint} position         位置
     * @param {object}          [props]          プロパティ
     * @param {float}           [props.size]     アイコンサイズ
     * @param {mapray.Vector3}  [props.fg_color] アイコン色
     * @param {mapray.Vector3}  [props.bg_color] 背景色
     * @param {string}          []       Entryを識別するID
     * @return {mapray.PinEntity.TextPinEntry}   追加したEntry
    addPin( position, props )
        return this.addTextPin( "", position, props );

     * Add Maki Icon Pin
     * @param {string}          id                 ID of Maki Icon
     * @param {mapray.GeoPoint} position            位置
     * @param {object}          [props]             プロパティ
     * @param {float}           [props.size]        アイコンサイズ
     * @param {mapray.Vector3}  [props.fg_color]    アイコン色
     * @param {mapray.Vector3}  [props.bg_color]    背景色
     * @param {string}          []          Entryを識別するID
     * @return {mapray.PinEntity.MakiIconPinEntry}  追加したEntry
    addMakiIconPin( id, position, props )
        var entry = new MakiIconPinEntry( this, id, position, props );
        this._entries.push( entry );
        return entry;

     * Add Text Pin
     * @param {string}          text               ピンに表示されるテキスト
     * @param {mapray.GeoPoint} position            位置
     * @param {object}          [props]             プロパティ
     * @param {float}           [props.size]        アイコンサイズ
     * @param {mapray.Vector3}  [props.fg_color]    アイコン色
     * @param {mapray.Vector3}  [props.bg_color]    背景色
     * @param {string}          [props.font_family] フォントファミリー
     * @param {string}          []          Entryを識別するID
     * @return {mapray.PinEntity.TextPinEntry}      追加したEntry
    addTextPin( text, position, props )
        var entry = new TextPinEntry( this, text, position, props );
        this._entries.push( entry );
        return entry;

     * @summary 専用マテリアルを取得
     * @private
    _getMaterial( render_target )
        var scene = this.scene;
        if ( render_target === RenderTarget.SCENE ) {
            if ( !scene._PinEntity_pin_material ) {
                // scene にマテリアルをキャッシュ
                scene._PinEntity_pin_material = new PinMaterial( scene.glenv );
            return scene._PinEntity_pin_material;
        else if (render_target === RenderTarget.RID) {
            if ( !scene._PinEntity_pin_material_pick ) {
                // scene にマテリアルをキャッシュ
                scene._PinEntity_pin_material_pick = new PinMaterial( scene.glenv, { ridMaterial: true } );
            return scene._PinEntity_pin_material_pick;

     * @private
    _setValueProperty( name, value )
        var props = this._parent_props;
        if ( props[name] != value ) {
            props[name] = value;

     * @private
    _setVector3Property( name, value )
        var dst = this._parent_props[name];
        if ( !dst ) {
            dst = this._parent_props[name] = GeoMath.createVector3f( value );
        else if ( dst[0] !== value[0] || dst[1] !== value[1] || dst[2] !== value[2] ) {
            GeoMath.copyVector3( value, dst );

     * @private
    _setVector2Property( name, value )
        var dst = this._parent_props[name];
        if ( !dst ) {
            this._parent_props[name] = GeoMath.createVector2f( value );
        else if ( dst[0] !== value[0] || dst[1] !== value[1] ) {
            GeoMath.copyVector2( value, dst );

     * @private
    _setupByJson( json )
        var position = new GeoPoint();

        for ( let entry of json.entries ) {
            position.setFromArray( entry.position );
            this.addPin( position, entry );
        if ( json.size )     this.setSize( json.size );
        if ( json.fg_color ) this.setFGColor( json.fg_color );
        if ( json.bg_color ) this.setBGColor( json.bg_color );
        if ( json.font_family ) this.setBGColor( json.font_family );

     * @summary IDでEntryを取得
     * @param {string}  id  ID
     * @return {mapray.PinEntity.MakiIconPinEntry|mapray.PinEntity.TextPinEntry}  IDが一致するEntry(無ければundefined)
    getEntry( id )
        return this._entries.find((entry) => === id);

// クラス定数の定義
    PinEntity.SAFETY_PIXEL_MARGIN = 1;
    PinEntity.MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH     = 4096;
    PinEntity.CIRCLE_SEP_LENGTH   = 32;
    PinEntity.DEFAULT_SIZE        = GeoMath.createVector2f( [30, 30] );
    PinEntity.DEFAULT_FONT_FAMILY = "sans-serif";
    PinEntity.DEFAULT_FG_COLOR    = GeoMath.createVector3f( [1.0, 1.0, 1.0] );
    PinEntity.DEFAULT_BG_COLOR    = GeoMath.createVector3f( [0.35, 0.61, 0.81] );

    PinEntity.SAFETY_PIXEL_MARGIN = 1;
    PinEntity.MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH     = 4096;

 * @summary PrimitiveProducer
 * TODO: relative で標高の変化のたびにテクスチャを生成する必要はないので
 *       Layout でのテクスチャの生成とメッシュの生成を分離する
 * @private
class PrimitiveProducer extends Entity.PrimitiveProducer {

     * @param {mapray.PinEntity} entity
    constructor( entity )
        super( entity );

        this._glenv = entity.scene.glenv;
        this._dirty = true;

        // プリミティブの要素
        this._transform  = GeoMath.setIdentity( GeoMath.createMatrix() );
        this._properties = {
            image: null,       // 画像
            image_mask: null,  // マスク画像

        // プリミティブ
        var primitive = new Primitive( this._glenv, null, entity._getMaterial( RenderTarget.SCENE ), this._transform ); = this._properties;
        this._primitive = primitive;

        var pickPrimitive = new Primitive( this._glenv, null, entity._getMaterial( RenderTarget.RID ), this._transform ); = this._properties;
        this._pickPrimitive = pickPrimitive;

        // プリミティブ配列
        this._primitives = [];
        this._pickPrimitives = [];

     * @override
        const region = new EntityRegion();

        for ( let {position} of this.entity._entries ) {
            region.addPoint( position );

        return [region];

     * @override
    onChangeElevation( regions )
        this._dirty = true;

     * @override
    getPrimitives( stage )
        this._updatePrimitive( stage );
        return stage.getRenderTarget() === RenderTarget.SCENE ? this._primitives : this._pickPrimitives;

     * @summary 親プロパティが変更されたことを通知
        this._dirty = true;

     * @summary 子プロパティが変更されたことを通知
        this._dirty = true;

     * @summary 高度モードが変更されたことを通知
        this._dirty = true;

     * @summary エントリが追加されたことを通知
        // 変化した可能性がある
        this._dirty = true;

     * @summary プリミティブの更新
     * @desc
     * 入力:
     *   this.entity._entries
     *   this._dirty
     * 出力:
     *   this._transform
     *   this._properties.image
     *   this._primitive.mesh
     *   this._primitives
     *   this._dirty
     * @return {array.<mapray.Prmitive>}  this._primitives
     * @private
        if ( !this._dirty ) {
            // 更新する必要はない

        if ( this.entity._entries.length == 0 ) {
            this._primitives = [];
            this._pickPrimitives = [];
            this._dirty = false;

        // 各エントリーの GOCS 位置を生成 (平坦化配列)
        var gocs_array = this._createFlatGocsArray();

        // プリミティブの更新
        //   primitive.transform
        this._updateTransform( gocs_array );

        var layout = new Layout( this, gocs_array );
        if ( !layout.isValid() ) {
            // 更新に失敗
            this._primitives = [];
            this._pickPrimitives = [];
            this._dirty = false;

        // テクスチャ設定
        var properties = this._properties;
        if ( properties.image ) {
        properties.image = layout.texture;

        if ( properties.image_mask ) {
        properties.image_mask = layout.texture_mask;

        // メッシュ生成
        var mesh_data = {
            vtype: [
                { name: "a_position", size: 3 },
                { name: "a_offset",   size: 2 },
                { name: "a_texcoord", size: 2 },
                { name: "a_texmaskcoord", size: 2 },
                { name: "a_fg_color", size: 3 },
                { name: "a_bg_color", size: 3 },
            vertices: layout.vertices,
            indices:  layout.indices
        var mesh = new Mesh( this._glenv, mesh_data );

        // メッシュ設定
        //   primitive.mesh
        var primitive = this._primitive;
        if ( primitive.mesh ) {
        var pickPrimitive = this._pickPrimitive;
        if ( pickPrimitive.mesh ) {
        primitive.mesh = mesh;
        pickPrimitive.mesh = mesh;

        // 更新に成功
        this._primitives = [primitive];
        this._pickPrimitives = [pickPrimitive];
        this._dirty = false;

     * @summary プリミティブの更新
     * @desc
     * 条件:
     *   this.entity._entries.length > 0
     * 入力:
     *   this.entity._entries.length
     * 出力:
     *   this._transform
     * @param {number[]} gocs_array  GOCS 平坦化配列
     * @private
    _updateTransform( gocs_array )
        var num_entries = this.entity._entries.length;
        var        xsum = 0;
        var        ysum = 0;
        var        zsum = 0;

        for ( let i = 0; i < num_entries; ++i ) {
            let ibase = 3*i;
            xsum += gocs_array[ibase];
            ysum += gocs_array[ibase + 1];
            zsum += gocs_array[ibase + 2];

        // 変換行列の更新
        var transform = this._transform;
        transform[12] = xsum / num_entries;
        transform[13] = ysum / num_entries;
        transform[14] = zsum / num_entries;

     * @summary GOCS 平坦化配列を取得
     * 入力: this.entity._entries
     * @return {number[]}  GOCS 平坦化配列
     * @private
        const num_points = this.entity._entries.length;
        return GeoPoint.toGocsArray( this._getFlatGeoPoints_with_Absolute(), num_points,
                                     new Float64Array( 3 * num_points ) );

     * @summary GeoPoint 平坦化配列を取得 (絶対高度)
     * 入力: this.entity._entries
     * @return {number[]}  GeoPoint 平坦化配列
     * @private
        const owner      = this.entity;
        const entries    = owner._entries;
        const num_points = entries.length;
        const flat_array = new Float64Array( 3 * num_points );

        // flat_array[] に経度要素と緯度要素を設定
        for ( let i = 0; i < num_points; ++i ) {
            let pos = entries[i].position;
            flat_array[3*i]     = pos.longitude;
            flat_array[3*i + 1] = pos.latitude;

        switch ( owner.altitude_mode ) {
        case AltitudeMode.RELATIVE:
        case AltitudeMode.CLAMP:
            // flat_array[] の高度要素に現在の標高を設定
            owner.scene.viewer.getExistingElevations( num_points, flat_array, 0, 3, flat_array, 2, 3 );

            if ( owner.altitude_mode === AltitudeMode.RELATIVE ) {
                // flat_array[] の高度要素に絶対高度を設定
                for ( let i = 0; i < num_points; ++i ) {
                    flat_array[3*i + 2] += entries[i].position.altitude;

        default: // AltitudeMode.ABSOLUTE
            // flat_array[] の高度要素に絶対高度を設定
            for ( let i = 0; i < num_points; ++i ) {
                flat_array[3*i + 2] = entries[i].position.altitude;

        return flat_array;


 * @summary ピン要素
 * @hideconstructor
 * @memberof mapray.PinEntity
 * @public
 * @abstract
class AbstractPinEntry {

    constructor( owner, position, props ) {
        this._owner = owner;
        this._position = position.clone();

        // animation.BindingBlock
        this._animation = new EasyBindingBlock();

        this._props = Object.assign( {}, props );  // props の複製
        this._copyPropertyVector3f( "fg_color" );  // deep copy
        this._copyPropertyVector3f( "bg_color" );  // deep copy
        this._copyPropertyVector2f( "size" );      // deep copy

    _loadIcon() {
        throw new Error("loadIcon() is not implemented: " +;

     * @summary 位置
     * @type {mapray.GeoPoint}
     * @readonly
     * @package
    get position()
        return this._position;

     * @summary ID
     * @type {string}
     * @readonly
    get id()
        return this._props.hasOwnProperty( "id" ) ? : "";

     * @summary アイコンサイズ (Pixels)
     * @type {mapray.Vector2}
     * @readonly
     * @package
    get size()
        const props = this._props;
        const parent = this._owner._parent_props;
        return (
            props.size || parent.size ||
                this.icon ? GeoMath.createVector2f( [ this.icon.width, this.icon.height ] ):

     * @summary アイコン色
     * @type {mapray.Vector3}
     * @readonly
     * @package
    get fg_color()
        const props  = this._props;
        const parent = this._owner._parent_props;
        return props.fg_color || parent.fg_color || PinEntity.DEFAULT_FG_COLOR;

     * @summary アイコン背景色
     * @type {mapray.Vector3}
     * @readonly
     * @package
    get bg_color()
        const props  = this._props;
        const parent = this._owner._parent_props;
        return props.bg_color || parent.bg_color || PinEntity.DEFAULT_BG_COLOR;

     * @summary アニメーションパラメータ設定
     * @type {mapray.animation.BindingBlock}
     * @readonly
    get animation() { return this._animation; }

     * アニメーションの BindingBlock を初期化
     * @private
        const block = this.animation;  // 実体は EasyBindingBlock

        const number = Type.find( "number" );
        const vector2 = Type.find( "vector2" );
        const vector3 = Type.find( "vector3" );
        // パラメータ名: position
        // パラメータ型: vector3
        //   ベクトルの要素が longitude, latitude, altitude 順であると解釈
        const position_temp = new GeoPoint();

        block.addEntry( "position", [vector3], null, value => {
            position_temp.setFromArray( value );  // Vector3 -> GeoPoint
            this.setPosition( position_temp );
        } );

        // パラメータ名: fg_color
        // パラメータ型: vector3
        //   アイコンの色
        block.addEntry( "fg_color", [vector3], null, value => {
            this.setFGColor( value );
        } );
        // パラメータ名: bg_color
        // パラメータ型: vector3
        //   アイコン背景の色
        block.addEntry( "bg_color", [vector3], null, value => {
            this.setBGColor( value );
        } );

        // パラメータ名: size
        // パラメータ型: vector2 | number
        //   型が vector2 のとき アイコンのピクセルサイズX, Y 順であると解釈
        //   型が number のとき アイコンのピクセルサイズX, Y は同値
        const size_temp = GeoMath.createVector2();
        let   size_type;

        let size_tsolver = curve => {
            size_type = AnimUtil.findFirstTypeSupported( curve, [vector2, number] );
            return size_type;

        block.addEntry( "size", [vector2, number], size_tsolver, value => {
            if ( size_type === vector2 ) {
                this.setSize( value );
            else { // size_type === number
                size_temp[0] = value;
                size_temp[1] = value;
                this.setSize( size_temp );
        } );

     * @summary モデル原点位置を設定
     * @param {mapray.GeoPoint} position  モデル原点の位置
    setPosition( position )
        if ( this._position.longitude !== position.longitude ||
             this._position.latitude  !== position.latitude  ||
             this._position.altitude  !== position.altitude ) {
            // 位置が変更された
            this._position.assign( position );

     * @summary アイコンのピクセルサイズを指定
     * @param {mapray.Vector3} size  アイコンのピクセルサイズ
    setSize( size )
        this._setVector2Property( "size", size );

     * @summary アイコンの色を設定
     * @param {mapray.Vector3} color  アイコンの色
    setFGColor( color )
        this._setVector3Property( "fg_color", color );

     * @summary アイコン背景の色を設定
     * @param {mapray.Vector3} color  アイコン背景の色
    setBGColor( color )
        this._setVector3Property( "bg_color", color );

     * @private
    _copyPropertyVector3f( name )
        var props = this._props;
        if ( props.hasOwnProperty( name ) ) {
            props[name] = GeoMath.createVector3f( props[name] );

     * @private
    _copyPropertyVector2f( name )
        var props = this._props;
        if ( props.hasOwnProperty( name ) ) {
            if ( typeof( props[name] ) === 'number' ) {
                props[name] = GeoMath.createVector2f( [ props[name], props[name] ] );
            else {
                props[name] = GeoMath.createVector2f( props[name] );
     * @private
    _setVector3Property( name, value )
        var dst = this._props[name];
        if ( !dst ) {
            dst = this._props[name] = GeoMath.createVector3f( value );
        else if ( dst[0] !== value[0] || dst[1] !== value[1] || dst[2] !== value[2] ) {
            GeoMath.copyVector3( value, dst );

     * @private
    _setVector2Property( name, value )
        var dst = this._props[name];
        if ( !dst ) {
            this._props[name] = GeoMath.createVector2f( value );
        else if ( dst[0] !== value[0] || dst[1] !== value[1] ) {
            GeoMath.copyVector2( value, dst );

    isLoaded() {
        return this._icon.isLoaded();

    get icon() {
        return this._icon;

    draw( context, x, y, width, height ) {
        this._icon.draw( context, x, y, width, height );

PinEntity.AbstractPinEntry = AbstractPinEntry;

 * @summary MakiIcon要素
 * @hideconstructor
 * @memberof mapray.PinEntity
 * @extends mapray.PinEntity.AbstractPinEntry
 * @public
class MakiIconPinEntry extends AbstractPinEntry {

     * @param {mapray.PinEntity}    owner               所有者
     * @param {string}              id                  MakiアイコンのID
     * @param {mapray.GeoPoint}     position            位置
     * @param {object}              [props]             プロパティ
     * @param {float}               [props.size]        アイコンサイズ
     * @param {mapray.Vector3}      [props.fg_color]    アイコン色
     * @param {mapray.Vector3}      [props.bg_color]    背景色
     * @param {string}              []          Entryを識別するID
    constructor( owner, id, position, props )
        super( owner, position, props );
        this.setId( id );

     * アニメーションの BindingBlock を初期化
     * @private
        const block = this.animation;  // 実体は EasyBindingBlock

        const string = Type.find( "string" );

        // パラメータ名: id
        // パラメータ型: string
        //   アイコンのID
        block.addEntry( "id", [string], null, value => {
            this.setId( value );
        } );        

     * @summary アイコンのIDを設定
     * @param {string} maki_id  アイコンのID
    setId( maki_id )
        if ( this._maki_id !== maki_id ) {
            // アイコンのIDが変更された
            this._maki_id = maki_id;
            this._icon = MakiIconPinEntry.makiIconLoader.load( maki_id );
            this._icon.onEnd(item => {
                    this._owner.getPrimitiveProducer()._dirty = true;

PinEntity.MakiIconPinEntry = MakiIconPinEntry;

    MakiIconPinEntry.makiIconLoader = new URLTemplateIconLoader( "", ".svg" );

 * @summary MakiIcon要素
 * @hideconstructor
 * @memberof mapray.PinEntity
 * @extends mapray.PinEntity.AbstractPinEntry
 * @public
class TextPinEntry extends AbstractPinEntry {

     * @param {mapray.PinEntity}  owner                所有者
     * @param {string}            text                 テキスト
     * @param {mapray.GeoPoint}   position             位置
     * @param {object}            [props]              プロパティ
     * @param {float}             [props.size]         アイコンピクセルサイズ
     * @param {mapray.Vector3}    [props.fg_color]     アイコン色
     * @param {mapray.Vector3}    [props.bg_color]     背景色
     * @param {string}            [props.font_family]  フォントファミリー
     * @param {string}            []           Entryを識別するID
    constructor( owner, text, position, props )
        super( owner, position, props );
        this.setText( text );

     * @summary フォントファミリー
     * @type {string}
     * @readonly
     * @package
    get font_family()
        const props  = this._props;
        const parent = this._owner._parent_props;
        return props.font_family || parent.font_family || PinEntity.DEFAULT_FONT_FAMILY;

     * アニメーションの BindingBlock を初期化
     * @private
        const block = this.animation;  // 実体は EasyBindingBlock

        const string = Type.find( "string" );

        // パラメータ名: text
        // パラメータ型: string
        //   テキスト
        block.addEntry( "text", [string], null, value => {
            this.setText( value );
        } );        

     * @summary テキストを設定
     * @param {string} text  テキスト
    setText( text )
        if ( this._text !== text ) {
            // テキストが変更された
            this._text = text;
            this._icon = TextPinEntry.textIconLoader.load( {
                    text:  this._text,
                    props: {
                        size: this.size,
                        font_family: this.font_family,
            } );
            this._icon.onEnd(item => {
                    this._owner.getPrimitiveProducer()._dirty = true;

PinEntity.TextPinEntry = TextPinEntry;

    TextPinEntry.textIconLoader = new TextIconLoader();

 * @summary 要素を Canvas 上にレイアウト
 * @memberof mapray.PinEntity
 * @private
class Layout {

     * @desc
     * 入力:
     *   owner._glenv
     *   owner.entity._entries
     *   owner._transform
     * @param {PrimitiveProducer} owner       所有者
     * @param {number[]}          gocs_array  GOCS 平坦化配列
    constructor( owner, gocs_array )
        this._owner = owner;
        this._items = this._createItemList();
        this._is_valid = true;

        var row_layouts = this._createRowLayouts();
        if ( row_layouts.length == 0 ) {
            // 有効なテキストが1つも無い
            this._is_valid = false;

        // アイテムの配置の設定とキャンバスサイズの決定
        var size = this._setupLocation( row_layouts );

        this._texture  = this._createTexture( size.width, size.height );
        this._texture_mask = this._createTextureMask();
        this._vertices = this._createVertices( size.width, size.height, gocs_array );
        this._indices  = this._createIndices();

     * @summary 有効なオブジェクトか?
     * @desc
     * <p>無効のとき、他のメソッドは呼び出せない。</p>
     * @return {boolean}  有効のとき true, 無効のとき false
        return this._is_valid;

     * @summary テクスチャ
     * @type {mapray.Texture}
     * @readonly
    get texture()
        return this._texture;

     * @summary テクスチャマスク
     * @type {mapray.Texture}
     * @readonly
    get texture_mask()
        return this._texture_mask;

     * @summary 頂点配列
     * @desc
     * 条件:
     *   this._entries.length > 0
     * 入力:
     *   this._entries
     *   this._transform
     * @type {Float32Array}
     * @readonly
    get vertices()
        return this._vertices;

     * @summary インデックス配列
     * @type {Uint32Array}
     * @readonly
    get indices()
        return this._indices;

     * @summary レイアウトアイテムのリストを生成
     * @return {array.<mapray.PinEntity.LItem>}
     * @private
        const map = new Map();

        const items = [];
        let counter = 0;
        for ( let entry of this._owner.entity._entries ) {
            if ( entry.isLoaded() ) {
                let item = map.get( entry.icon );
                if ( !item ) {
                    map.set( entry.icon, item = new LItem( this ) );
                    items.push( item );
                item.add( counter++, entry );

        return items;

     * @summary RowLayout のリストを生成
     * @return {array.<mapray.PinEntity.RowLayout>}
     * @private
        // アイテムリストの複製
        var items = [].concat( this._items );

        // RowLayout 内であまり高さに差が出ないように、アイテムリストを高さで整列
        items.sort( function( a, b ) { return a.height_pixel - b.height_pixel; } );

        // リストを生成
        var row_layouts = [];
        while ( items.length > 0 ) {
            var row_layout = new RowLayout( items );
            if ( row_layout.isValid() ) {
                row_layouts.push( row_layout );

        return row_layouts;

     * @summary テクスチャを生成
     * @param  {number} width    横幅
     * @param  {number} height   高さ
     * @return {mapray.Texture}  テキストテクスチャ
     * @private
    _createTexture( width, height )
        var context = Dom.createCanvasContext( width, height );

        var items = this._items;
        for ( var i = 0; i < items.length; ++i ) {
            var item = items[i];
            if ( item.is_canceled ) continue;
            item.draw( context );

        var glenv = this._owner._glenv;
        var opts = {
            usage: Texture.Usage.ICON
        return new Texture( glenv, context.canvas, opts );

        var context = Dom.createCanvasContext( 3, 3 );
        context.fillRect( 1, 1, 1, 1 );
        var glenv = this._owner._glenv;
        var opts = {
            usage: Texture.Usage.ICON,
            mag_filter: glenv.context.NEAREST
        return new Texture( glenv, context.canvas, opts );

     * @summary 頂点配列を生成
     * @param  {number}   width       横幅
     * @param  {number}   height      高さ
     * @param  {number[]} gocs_array  GOCS 平坦化配列
     * @return {array.<number>}  頂点配列 [左下0, 右下0, 左上0, 右上0, ...]
     * @private
    _createVertices( width, height, gocs_array )
        var vertices = [];

        // テキスト集合の原点 (GOCS)
        var transform = this._owner._transform;
        var xo = transform[12];
        var yo = transform[13];
        var zo = transform[14];

             |         |               
             |    |<--rx--->|          
            ___-------___     ----     
           /             \      ^      
         /                 \    ry     
        |                   |   |  ----
        |                   |   v    ^ 
        |         c         | ----  size.y
        |                   |   ^    V 
        |                   |   |  ----
         \                 /    |      
          '----_0___3_----'     |      
                |   |           |      
                |   |           h      
                |   |           |      
                |   |           |      
                |   |           |      
                |   |           v      
                1---2 ------------     
               >| w |<                 

        var xn = 1 / width;
        var yn = 1 / height;

        var items = this._items;
        for ( var i = 0; i < items.length; ++i ) {
            var item = items[i];
            if ( item.is_canceled ) continue;

            for ( var ie = 0; ie < item.entries.length; ie++ ) {
                var eitem = item.entries[ie];
                var entry = eitem.entry;
                var size = entry.size;
                var rx = size[0] * 1.5 / 2;
                var ry = size[1] * 1.5 / 2;
                var h = ry * 2;
                var w = Math.max(2, rx / 10);

                // Relativize based on (xo, yo, zo)
                var ibase = eitem.index * 3;
                var xm = gocs_array[ibase]     - xo;
                var ym = gocs_array[ibase + 1] - yo;
                var zm = gocs_array[ibase + 2] - zo;

                var fg_color = entry.fg_color;
                var bg_color = entry.bg_color;

                // Image dimensions (Image Coordinate)
                var xc = item.pos_x;
                var yc = item.pos_y;
                var xsize = item.width;
                var ysize = item.height;

                var vertices_push_texture = ( px, py ) => {
                    vertices.push( (xc + xsize * px) * xn, 1 - (yc + ysize * py) * yn );

                // p0
                vertices.push( xm, ym, zm );                            // a_position
                vertices.push( -w / 2, h - ry );                        // a_offset
                vertices_push_texture( 0.5 - (w/2/rx), 1.5/2 + 0.5 );   // a_texcoord
                vertices.push( -0.25 + 0.5, -0.25 + 0.5 );              // a_texmaskcoord
                vertices.push( ...fg_color );
                vertices.push( ...bg_color );

                // p1
                vertices.push( xm, ym, zm );                            // a_position
                vertices.push( -w / 2, 0 );                             // a_offset
                vertices_push_texture( 0.5 - (w/2/rx), 1.5/2 + 0.5 );   // a_texcoord
                vertices.push( -0.25 + 0.5, -0.25 + 0.5 );              // a_texmaskcoord
                vertices.push( ...fg_color );
                vertices.push( ...bg_color );

                // p2
                vertices.push( xm, ym, zm );                            // a_position
                vertices.push( w / 2, 0 );                              // a_offset
                vertices_push_texture( 0.5 + (w/2/rx), 1.5/2 + 0.5 );   // a_texcoord
                vertices.push( -0.25 + 0.5, -0.25 + 0.5 );              // a_texmaskcoord
                vertices.push( ...fg_color );
                vertices.push( ...bg_color );

                // p3
                vertices.push( xm, ym, zm );                            // a_position
                vertices.push( w / 2, h - ry );                         // a_offset
                vertices_push_texture( 0.5 + (w/2/rx), 1.5/2 + 0.5 );   // a_texcoord
                vertices.push( -0.25 + 0.5, -0.25 + 0.5 );              // a_texmaskcoord
                vertices.push( ...fg_color );
                vertices.push( ...bg_color );

                // c
                vertices.push( xm, ym, zm );                            // a_position
                vertices.push( 0, h );                                  // a_offset
                vertices_push_texture( 0.5, 0.5 );                      // a_texcoord
                vertices.push( 0.5, 0.5 );                              // a_texmaskcoord
                vertices.push( ...fg_color );
                vertices.push( ...bg_color );

                for ( var k = 1; k < PinEntity.CIRCLE_SEP_LENGTH; k++ ) {
                    var th = (k / PinEntity.CIRCLE_SEP_LENGTH * 2 - 0.5) * Math.PI;
                    var cos_th = Math.cos(th);
                    var sin_th = Math.sin(th);
                    vertices.push( xm, ym, zm );                                              // a_position
                    vertices.push( rx * cos_th, ry * sin_th + h );                            // a_offset
                    vertices_push_texture( 1.5 * cos_th / 2 + 0.5, -1.5 * sin_th / 2 + 0.5 ); // a_texcoord
                    vertices.push( cos_th * 0.25 + 0.5 , sin_th * 0.25 + 0.5 );               // a_texmaskcoord
                    vertices.push( ...fg_color );
                    vertices.push( ...bg_color );

        return vertices;

     * @summary インデックス配列を生成
     * @return {array.<number>}  インデックス配列 []
     * @private
        var indices = [];

        var items = this._items;
        for ( var i = 0; i < items.length; ++i ) {
            var item = items[i];
            if ( item.is_canceled ) continue;

            for ( var ie = 0; ie < item.entries.length; ie++ ) {
                var eitem = item.entries[ie];
                var base = ( 4 + 1 + PinEntity.CIRCLE_SEP_LENGTH - 1 ) * eitem.index;

                var p = base;
                var p0 = p;
                var p3 = p + 3;
                indices.push( p, p+1, p+2 );
                indices.push( p, p+2, p+3 );
                p += 4;

                var centerPos = p++;
                indices.push( centerPos, p0, p3 );
                indices.push( centerPos, p3, p );
                for ( var j = 1; j < PinEntity.CIRCLE_SEP_LENGTH - 1; j++ ) {
                    indices.push( centerPos, p++, p );
                indices.push( centerPos, p++, p0 );

        return indices;

     * @summary アイテムの配置を設定
     * @param  {array.<mapray.PinEntity.RowLayout>} row_layouts
     * @return {object}                              キャンバスサイズ
     * @private
    _setupLocation( row_layouts )
        var width  = 0;
        var height = 0;

        height += PinEntity.SAFETY_PIXEL_MARGIN;

        for ( var i = 0; i < row_layouts.length; ++i ) {
            var row_layout = row_layouts[i];
            row_layout.locate( height );
            width   = Math.max( row_layout.width_assumed, width );
            height += row_layout.height_pixel + PinEntity.SAFETY_PIXEL_MARGIN;

        return {
            width:  width,
            height: height


 * @summary レイアウト対象
 * @memberof mapray.PinEntity
 * @private
class LItem {

     * @param {mapray.PinEntity.Layout} layout   所有者
     * @param {mapray.PinEntity.Entry}  entry    PinEntityのエントリ
    constructor( layout )
        this.entries = [];

        // テキストの基点
        this._pos_x = 0;  // 左端
        this._pos_y = 0;  // ベースライン位置

        this._height = this._width = null;

        this._is_canceled = false;

    add( index, entry ) {
        var size = entry.size;
        if ( this._width === null || this._width < size[0] ) this._width = size[0];
        if ( this._height === null || this._height < size[1] ) this._height = size[1];
        this.entries.push( { index, entry } );

     * @type {number}
     * @readonly
    get pos_x()
        return this._pos_x;

     * @type {number}
     * @readonly
    get pos_y()
        return this._pos_y;

     * @type {number}
     * @readonly
    get width()
        return this._width;

    get height()
        return this._height;

     * キャンバス上でのテキストの横画素数
     * @type {number}
     * @readonly
    get width_pixel()
        return Math.ceil( this._width );

     * キャンバス上でのテキストの縦画素数
     * @type {number}
     * @readonly
    get height_pixel()
        return Math.ceil( this._height );

     * 取り消し状態か?
     * @type {boolean}
     * @readonly
    get is_canceled()
        return this._is_canceled;

     * @summary 取り消し状態に移行
        this._is_canceled = true;

     * @summary 配置を決定
     * @param {number} x  テキスト矩形左辺の X 座標 (キャンバス座標系)
     * @param {number} y  テキスト矩形上辺の Y 座標 (キャンバス座標系)
    locate( x, y )
        this._pos_x = x;
        this._pos_y = y;

    draw( context ) {

        this.entries[0].entry.draw( context, this._pos_x, this.pos_y, this.width, this.height );

        var RENDER_BOUNDS = false;
        if ( RENDER_BOUNDS ) {
            context.moveTo( this._pos_x             , this._pos_y );
            context.lineTo( this._pos_x + this.width, this._pos_y );
            context.lineTo( this._pos_x + this.width, this._pos_y + this.height );
            context.lineTo( this._pos_x             , this._pos_y + this.height );

 * @summary 水平レイアウト
 * @memberof mapray.PinEntity
 * @private
class RowLayout {

     * @desc
     * <p>レイアウトされた、またはレイアウトに失敗したアイテムは src_items から削除される。</p>
     * <p>レイアウトに失敗したアイテムは取り消し (is_canceled) になる。</p>
     * @param {array.<mapray.PinEntity.LItem>} src_items  アイテムリスト
    constructor( src_items )
        var width_assumed_total = 0;
        var height_pixel_max    = 0;
        var row_items           = [];

        width_assumed_total += PinEntity.SAFETY_PIXEL_MARGIN;  // 左マージン

        while ( src_items.length > 0 ) {
            var item          = src_items.shift();
            var width_assumed = item.width_pixel + PinEntity.SAFETY_PIXEL_MARGIN;  // テキスト幅 + 右マージン

            if ( width_assumed_total + width_assumed <= PinEntity.MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH ) {
                // 行にアイテムを追加
                row_items.push( item );
                width_assumed_total += width_assumed;
                height_pixel_max = Math.max( item.height_pixel, height_pixel_max );
            else {
                if ( row_items.length == 0 ) {
                    // テキストが長すぎて表示できない
                else {
                    // 次の行になるため差し戻して終了
                    src_items.unshift( item );

        this._items         = row_items;
        this._width_assumed = width_assumed_total;
        this._height_pixel  = height_pixel_max;

     * @summary 有効なオブジェクトか?
     * @desc
     * <p>無効のとき、他のメソッドは呼び出せない。</p>
     * @return {boolean}  有効のとき true, 無効のとき false
        return this._items.length > 0;

     * @type {array.<mapray.PinEntity.LItem>}
     * @readonly
    get items()
        return this._items;

     * キャンバス上での行の横占有画素数
     * @type {number}
     * @readonly
    get width_assumed()
        return this._width_assumed;

     * キャンバス上での行の縦画素数
     * @type {number}
     * @readonly
    get height_pixel()
        return this._height_pixel;

     * @summary レイアウトの配置を決定
     * @param {number} y  テキスト矩形上辺の Y 座標 (キャンバス座標系)
    locate( y )
        var items = this._items;
        var x = 0;

        x += PinEntity.SAFETY_PIXEL_MARGIN;  // 左マージン

        for ( var i = 0; i < items.length; ++i ) {
            var item = items[i];
            item.locate( x, y );
            x += item.width_pixel + PinEntity.SAFETY_PIXEL_MARGIN;  // テキスト幅 + 右マージン


export default PinEntity;